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The Valle Catholic Schools Foundation recently created an innovative program focused on connecting donors and the Valle educators in their classrooms. This newly developed program, entitled the Classroom Academic Resources for Excellence (CARE) List is geared towards providing donors the ability to directly support exciting new opportunities for students to enhance, motivate, and achieve excellence in the classrooms at Valle Schools.

The CARE List was developed to allow donors a meaningful way to see the direct impact that their generous donations can have in the classrooms and how those donations are consistently improving the resources for academic excellence in our student’s educational journeys. The program is designed to serve all grade levels ranging from the earliest learners in the Early Childhood Development Center to those students working through complex educational concepts in the High School classes. This program is also inclusive to any academic subject area that the teachers feel would best benefit their students.

The process for a classroom to submit a request is a seamless experience. Valle educators are now able to submit their request for various educational resources to the Valle Catholic Schools Foundation that they feel will help enhance, motivate, or celebrate academic excellence in the classroom. Their request is then featured on the newly renovated Valle Catholic Schools Foundation website under the “CARE List” tab. Visitors to the website are able to view the most up to date requested needs and see which items have previously been sponsored. Once a donor chooses an item to sponsor from the CARE list, a simple short form is filled out and submitted to the Valle Catholic Schools Foundation for request completion.

There has been great response to this program and the Valle educators have worked diligently at determining what resources would best assist their students in their personal pursuits towards academic excellence. We believe through this new way of giving, donors will be able to enjoy the gifting experience on a new level and educators will be able to provide an even more rewarding experience for their students.  If you would like to learn more about the CARE list and what teachers are requesting, or ways in which you can begin sponsoring a classroom’s request, please be sure to visit our CARE List page on our website at https://valleschoolsfoundation.org/carelist/.

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