The Greatest Method of Praying: A Gift

The Greatest Method of Praying: A Gift

The Valle Catholic Schools Foundation recently gifted 27 new rosaries to the Freshmen class at Valle Catholic Schools. This marks the third year of the new tradition between the Foundation and Valle Catholic Freshmen.  Students received the rosaries in their Religious...
Location and Community: VCSF Unveils New Office Location

Location and Community: VCSF Unveils New Office Location

Valle Catholic Schools Foundation is excited to introduce its new office location! This expansion was a necessary means to better meet the needs of our donor base and membership, while further allowing the Foundation to continue progressive growth. The Foundation now...
Foundation Gifts AED Machines to Valle Schools

Foundation Gifts AED Machines to Valle Schools

This Fall, The Valle Catholic Schools Foundation gifted two new AED machines in response to a Valle administrator request. Principal Greg Miller submitted the request stating, “we have three existing AED’s located in the gym, church, and the field house, however, we...